The Royal Mail traces its roots back to 1516 when Henry VIII established a position of Master of the Posts.
‘The transfer of the £28bn of assets from the Royal Mail Pension fund to the exchequer will free it from its crippling pension debts, ensure the pensions of hard-working staff are paid and help to bring in new private sector investment. Some would have been tempted to spend the windfall. I do not propose to spend it. Instead I have used it to pay off debt.’ - George Osborne 2012 budget speech.That deficit was estimated to be £37.5bn!
How can it be that a service that has existed for over 500 years is facing an extinction? It has survived:
And yet, after ten years of privatisation it claims that it is no longer able to fulfil the legal obligations of the USO, keeps whining at Ofcom about the burdens of such, and claims to be unable to pay its staff a fair wage – or even negotiate with its staff without all its dirty washing flapping around in the public face, leading to a complete breakdown in relations, trust and decency – and no letters being delivered!
To be fair, the rot set in with that 1969 act, which appears to have changed the focus from providing a service to making a profit.
It also laid the foundation for the privatisation excesses of the Thatcher era, albeit this particular one escaping her clutches. Nevertheless, this was a fully-functioning business that was handed over to the private sector at a knockdown price, with all its liabilities written off, that does not have to invoice any of its customers and thus has no debt-collecting costs to absorb like most other businesses, that sells millions of stamps every year that never get used (because they go to philatelists, get lost and forgotten, stuck on envelopes that subsequently do not get posted, etc – in short receiving a large income for services it will never provide), providing services to a population and density that has never been higher, and yet facing extinction. If this isn’t a damning indictment of political interference, corporate greed and incompetence then I do not know what is! And that’s the charitable explanation. More likely, I fear that this has been a wilful act of vandalism, a valuable service dismantled by corrupt politicians and their corporate paramours; making friends by means of the unrighteous riches, according to the Good Book, so that when the electorate fails, they may be received into lucrative directorships.